Welcome to the Portfolio of Bri White:

Please read this first!

On this website you can look through and see all my work, including all writting, design work, and illustration. This can be found on the "portfolio' section of this website

If you like to have some form of contact, I have all my contact information in the 'contact' link located in the bar above.

Right now you are going through the homepage, here I will provide updates, new work, and letters to readers. Here's some links below for some of my writting works I'm most proud of

Past Writtings Highlight:

Cultural Artifact

12/4 Corrections Made: Fixed some gramtical and formatting issues, and wrote some extra bits in at the end of the essay. I wanted to make this essay more personal than it was originally.

The True Simulacra or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Postmodernism

12/4 Corrections Made: Fixed some gramtical and spelling mistakes, as well as adding more context and history in the body text;I find it important for readers not aware of the subject matter to have a full picture of what I'm talking about.

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